

Teaching Assistant, SI 110: Introduction to Information, University of Michigan. Instructor: Cliff Lampe. (Winter 2017; 42 students.)

Teaching Assistant, SI 110: Introduction to Information, University of Michigan. Instructor: Mark Newman. (Fall 2016; 50 students.)

Teaching Assistant, SI 429: Online Communities, University of Michigan. Instructor: Nicole Ellison. (Winter 2016; 25 students.)

Teaching Assistant, SI 529: Online Communities, University of Michigan. Instructor: Cliff Lampe. (Winter 2016; 29 students.)

Teaching Assistant, SI 110: Introduction to Information, University of Michigan. Instructor: Mark Newman. (Fall 2015; 52 students.)



Social Media Behavior and Societal Impact, Library Camp 2017: An Unconference (Keynote; Spring 2017).

Deviance, Shaming, and Harassment, SI 529: Online Communities, University of Michigan. Instructor: Dr. Sarita Schoenebeck (Winter 2017).

Anonymity and Bad Behavior, SI 110: Introduction to Information, University of Michigan. Instructor: Dr. Cliff Lampe (Winter 2017).

Anonymity and Bad Behavior, SI 110: Introduction to Information, University of Michigan. Instructor: Dr. Mark Newman (Fall 2016).

LGBT Parents and Social Media, Michigan Interactive and Social Computing (Winter 2016).

Cause-based Communities, SI 429: Online Communities, University of Michigan. Instructor: Dr. Nicole Ellison (Fall 2015).

Trolls, Trouble, and Telling the Difference, Nerd Nite Ann Arbor (Winter 2016).

Everybody Trolls Sometimes, Ignite Ann Arbor (Fall 2015).

Anonymity and Bad Behavior, SI 110: Introduction to Information, University of Michigan. Instructor: Dr. Mark Newman (Fall 2015).

Why Online Communities Matter, TEDxWilmingtonUniversity (Spring 2014).

Social Media Marketing Careers, LIS 4380: Social Media Management. Florida State University. Instructor: Ebrahim Randeree (Summer 2012).

Social Media for Nonprofit Organizations, SWC 200: New Media for Nonprofits, University of Michigan. Instructor: Christine Modey (Fall 2011, 2012).

Professional Social Media Use, English 229: Professional Writing, University of Michigan. Instructor: Ben Gunsberg (Fall 2011).